2025 Calendar of Events
Become A Board Member !
We are currently taking nominations for COPCC Board positions. If you are interested in serving our valuable organization, please contact:
Participate In Your Local PCC
The Postal Customer Council® (PCC®) program is a valuable resource for business mailers, large and small. Local PCCs serve as an open channel for USPS-to-business communication, providing information and best practices for cost-effective and profitable mailing, education and training, and solving local challenges. Though most PCC members include large business mailers, government agencies, and business mail service providers, small businesses can benefit from PCC membership, too.
Your local PCC offers these benefits...
- Learn from postal experts about marketing through the mail.
- Find new sources for mailing lists. Printing, database management, and more.
- Get discounts to major mailing industry events.
- Network with other mailers, business mail service providers, and USPS executives to discover new ways to make your mailings more efficient and profitable.
- Hear first-hand from other decision-makers on how they deal with the same challenges you face.
- Leverage best practices to improve mailing effectiveness, efficiency, and profitability.
- Gain knowledge about postal products, services, and tools to improve mail quality through workshops and events—and earn a professional certificate to boot.
Find PCCs and Events Near You
Find the address of your local PCC group and contact information for the postmaster, manager, or officer in charge. And find events to attend in your area.
Post Office Replacement Model
Privacy Policy
The information you supply will be used to provide you with online registration capability for Internet-based services and to provide those services. Please be aware that this service is voluntary, but that requested information is required to provide the service.
We do not disclose your information without your consent to third parties, except to facilitate the request, to act on your behalf or request, or as legally required. This includes the following limited circumstances:
- to financial entities regarding financial transaction issues;
- to a USPS or authorized PCC board member auditor;
- to contractors and other entities aiding us to fulfill the service (service providers);
- and to entities, including law enforcement, as authorized by law or in legal proceedings.
For more information on our privacy policies see our privacy see the USPS Privacy Policy.
To obtain information collected by this website, submit a request.